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Development Update July 2024

Welcome to another development update! We'll try to bring you a new dev update each month from now on. If you want to ask questions about anything mentioned in this development update, feel free to reach out to us in our Discord server.


So, what's with this leaked trailer then? See our latest teaser trailer here:

Pieter: "We made this especially for our 20th anniversary party. That is where we made the 'bootleg' copy. To be honest there is a lot missing from this build/teaser as well. Old effects, missing effects, etc. etc. I don't expect this teaser to find its way online - mainly because it is not up to a standard we'd like and are currently working on."

As some people pointed out, it barely shows anything different than BR5 track gameplay, and that just doesn't do the epicenes we have planned justice :)


Finalizing the new tracks is taking up some more time than we had anticipated. We still have one more to finish for the initial batch. As we've said before, we're aiming to have new (longer) tracks too!


We've also been working on the first boss levels! Prepare to battle some epic vehicles. But don't expect to see any images of those since we want to keep those a secret a bit longer.


We've been adding small car effects, like wheel particles, surface-dependent drag, and cam-shakes. We've also experimented with alternating fire for main weapons (left-right-left-right etc.). It all feels far more responsive and grounded.


We're working on concepts and designs for more bosses.

Also, we need to take the free-roaming worlds we have now to the next level. This means adding traffic, markers, destructibles, collectibles, that sort of stuff.

It's also time to implement some of the UI / UX designs we've made.

And we've also started tests on a whole new audio system for the cars (a much requested feature :)).

Plenty to do!

Cheers, Team Xform

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