Merry Christmas everyone!
We made it to the end of the year! It was a very strange year with lots of highs and lows. We worked like crazy to get as far as we can with BR6. It was nice not having to focus on other stuff too much.
To be honest, we're not as far as we'd hoped to be. Mainly because the team is so small and the pile of work is insanely big! Don't worry though, we will not give up.
So, here is what we're working on! WEAPONS
We've already put in tons of work to get a lot of weapons up and running. Now, we want to finalize and polish a set of early-game weapons to the point that we're 100% happy with them.
We're working on getting the freeroaming world challenges like Rampage, Time Trial and Demolition done. But we're also implementing new ones like Hunter (like BRCNB) and a Miniboss challenge. The last one already feels pretty cool :).
We need to be able to test old and new game modes. We only have the Battle Race working now, but we also want to implement Elimination, Race, Goose Hunt and some more new ones.
We're working on getting 4 of the tracks nicer visually, and filled with more props. They will be part of an early demo version of the game we're working on.
1) What do you do with feedback suggestions?
''We read and consider everything. Some things are added to one of many lists of ideas and to-dos. Unfortunately, we can't add responses to stuff, except for the occasional thumbs up.''
2) Why?
''We don't want to overpromise or get your hopes up about something.
Also, it sometimes takes too much time to explain why particular decisions are made. A lot of them are made from a budget+time restriction, some are related to the style we've set out for the game, and some are very gutt-feeling related.''
3) You hate our ideas!!!
''We've experienced that some people can't handle this and find it hard that they get no or little response to the stuff they post. That's not our problem, that's their problem. Please know that all input is much appreciated!''
4) Can we help by testing the game?
''The game is far from being finished. So if you'd test it, you would only report on bugs and issues that are obvious and known. We're working on getting a solid demo together which we'll forward to specific streamers to get feedback.
This will focus primarily on the core game mechanics. We won't rule out some sort of open/closed beta in the future though!''
5) How can the community help?
''Of course, please keep posting your ideas and feedback! We're thinking of smaller (easier to implement stuff) that you could contribute in the near future. For example license plates.''
Now it's time for a few days off to relax with our families.
See you all in 2025!
Cheers, Team Xform