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Bigger, better, and more explosive than anything you’ve seen on wheels before

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Burnin' Rubber 6

Release date: Coming soon

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Burnin' Rubber 6 brings the action with a variety of modes, from

open-world exploration to intense sprint and circuit races.


Battle relentless, aggressive AI opponents who will stop at nothing to stay ahead.


Wield your arsenal of weapons to obliterate everything in your path.


Sharpen your skills to compete once more in the Tournament of Champions!



Have a look at Burnin' Rubber 6



Catch up on the latest Burnin' Rubber 6 news!

From updates to announcements and more.


Welcome to the official Burnin’ Rubber 6 FAQ! This list will hopefully answer many questions but probably will lead to many more.

Changes and additions to this list will be announced on socials.


Is it true?

What? That you are developing Burnin’ Rubber 6? Yes, we are!


Why? Why are you making another Burnin’ Rubber?

Because we can’t help ourselves… After each Burnin’ Rubber game, we’re exhausted and done with it. However, after a release and some R&R, we always feel there is still some fuel left for another race - pun intended! We feel there are still some things to creatively explore, expand, and improve upon to create the best BR game yet.


When? Is there a release date?

The age-old question… We don’t have an exact date, but have a proper roadmap for announcements, media, etc. Should be released way before GTA6 though!


Who? For whom are we making Burnin’ Rubber 6?

Obviously we have a target audience in mind, but generally speaking we’re making Burnin’ Rubber 6 for 3 groups. Nostalgics, newcomers and - last but not least - ourselves. We’d like to take old players back to old days made anew, introduce new players to the explosive world of BR and give ourselves a chance to create the biggest BR yet to play and enjoy it with family and friends.



Burnin’ Rubber 6 will be released on Steam.
We’re actively trying to get it released on consoles as well, but that might be a tougher nut to crack.


Scope, content and quality?

This might not be a question you’d normally ask, but we feel it is worthwhile to explain a bit about. The team is small and the investment is low (but very high for us) compared to other bigger games.

With each entry we try to go above and beyond to give you the best next one in the franchise. This is not different for 6. We do have to be realistic though; we’re funding the game ourselves as we have not been able to secure an additional investor. Either because of lack of interest or us being too adamant on how and what Burnin’ Rubber 6 needs to be.


So all things considered this will mean we sometimes have to downscale scope, content to make sure the game will be done on time and within budget. Don’t go expecting Forza 9 or Dirt 7 with guns.


Early access

We currently don’t have plans to do early access. As stated above we need the option to reconsider scope changes and this would not work well for us (and you) when doing early access.



We don’t have a price set right now.

This is also dependent on final scope and content, see 6.


(Online) Multiplayer

While we did Burnin’ Rubber Multiplayer (to mixed results ) to get accustomed to multiplayer car combat we’re currently not developing Burnin’ Rubber 6 for online multiplayer. However, we’re taking lessons learned with us while developing it. We’d really like to battle each other though - so maybe local split screen will be an option….


When will we get more information?

Since it is now out in the open we can’t leave you all hanging Nevertheless, we will not give everything away. There are still secrets to uncover, new places to unlock and discover, and weapons and items to use. We will drop the occasional screenshot, info and news when we can! Do expect something bigger before the end of the summer!


Change of physics?

Always a source of debate! We are aware that newcomers find the cars odd or weird to control. This is increasingly difficult for us to explain when they are used to playing more realistic types of car games. Burnin’ Rubber 6 is a car combat game, meaning you need to be able to shoot & dodge as well. This will influence the behavior of the car. We have already made some minor changes and are investigating more. Completely abandoning the current system is a decision we’re not gonna make soon or easily.


Changes to the AI

Definitely! This comes up quite often, and is currently being addressed. Complaints have been made before on how easy all other BR games are. During the development of those games we always opted for a more easier experience as that would fit the web audience better. Since we’re not aiming for a web release this will be different. Early tests are quite promising. We’re aiming to give you all a proper challenging game.


Will freeroam worlds, like in Burnin' Rubber 4, return?

Yes! And - of course - old-fashioned challenges! As a matter of fact we're aiming to combine the best of all Burnin' Rubber games!


Will it be post-apocalyptic?

No. We’re always amused when this comes up - especially when looking at certain vehicles or bosses. BR games are never intended to be post-apocalyptic. Nevertheless, certain tracks, worlds and enemies might feel different than a more realistic world. This will be in Burnin’ Rubber 6 as well. Got some cool surprises there…


Better engine sounds?

It has always been difficult to get proper engine sounds up and running. Revving, idling, etc. is all pretty doable, but racing engine sounds are tricky for us because of the way our cars are built and set up. They are not real That said, we do agree this is a much-overlooked part of the previous entries, so this is high on the list to address.


Where is San Burrito

We will never tell. It is everywhere and nowhere


Why remaking/remastering old tracks/worlds/cars?

Nostalgic reasons We’d like to see this content better than we were able to do in the past. Furthermore, not having to completely redesign everything will make sure we can save time and resources for other things you don’t know about yet…

However, if there are some awesome ideas or suggestions please let us know. Not everything is set in stone yet!


Bodykits and damage models

Bodykits are a hot topic we noticed over the past few years. Internally as well We’re not going back to a Burnin’ Rubber 3- style setup. This is just too much work for what we’re planning. Nevertheless, we do have some things planned to make sure we can spice some stuff up.


Will track/world/car XYZ be in the game?

You’ll know when it is done! Expect a lot of golden oldies, but we have also canned a couple of things we feel were not living up to what we had in mind. Some things will be spoiled before release, but we’re keeping a tight lid on spilling all the beans.



We were and are pleasantly(!) surprised by how users are managing to mod our games. Having done some other projects with user-generated content we are currently looking into opening this up for Burnin’ Rubber 6 as well. We can’t give any specific details on how and what. As you might understand, tweaking a small value is easier than creating custom car import.


Feature requests

We always try to listen to feature requests! Please post them in the appropriate channel. There is always a chance for a great, feasible idea that might end up in the game.

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